Sunday, December 7, 2008

Whew! The Weekend is Over ~ Part 1

The "Old Fashioned Christmas" banquet went off without a hitch. It was a lovely evening with good friends, wonderful food and great entertainment. What more could a person ask for??? Each year, our church puts on this elegant candle-lit catered dinner with some type of musical entertainment. The coordinators of this event ask for volunteer hosts to decorate a table and invite guests to fill it. The hosts are also responsible for serving coffee, water and dessert to their guests. At the end of the evening, the table host also get the unpleasant task of packing up all of their dirty dishes and bringing them home to wash them there.

This year, my two good friends, (both in real life and in Bloggyworld), Lisa and Jody hosted two tables together; along with their husbands. Unfortunately, Jody's hubby had to go out of town on business, and wasn't able to join us for the dinner. They did a ladies' table and a mens' table. After dinner, we switched around and sat with our spouses to enjoy the show. This is what the ladies' table looked like:

It was very festive, in blues, silver and white, with snowflakes everywhere. I especially liked the blinking colorful snowflakes around the center of the table. They blinked off and on in different colors. It was very cool! In front of each place setting was a lovely silver gift bag, filled with candies, gum, and Tastefully Simple samples. Awesome!
Here's what the mens' table looked like: Their table was decorated in a deer hunting theme, with deer plates and little moose and deer and pine trees in the middle of it. If you look closely, I'm pretty sure you can even see a little deer hunter there, dressed in blaze orange! Each of the guys received a gift of beef jerky and hand warmers, all wrapped up with a lovely DUCT TAPE bow! Those guys are so clever. What would they ever do without duct tape??
This was the night's entertainment. They're a barbershop quartet called, "Sounds of Grace". They were very good and very entertaining. The harmony was wonderful, and they threw in some humor, along with a great gospel message. At one point, after telling us that their tenor, (the guy to the far left), will soon be leaving for a long term mission trip, they announced that they were going to hold auditions to replace him right then and there. They called up three men from our church, including our Church Chairman, (who is also Molly's bus driver), and our lead Pastor, who claims he can't carry a tune. They did their own version of "Don't Forget The Lyrics". They would start a song, and then stop and the "contestants" had to take turns filling in the blanks where they had left off. It turned out to be quite funny. And Pastor Al is NOT at all as bad a singer as he claims to be.

Here's a video sample of this segment of the show:

Two of the guys from the quartet did a duet entitled, "I Came Upon a Road-Killed Deer", done to the tune of a popular Christmas carol with a similar name. That was hilarious! I have that on video too, but I missed the very first line because my camera batteries had gone dead, and I had to change them at that moment. So, the video starts after these words were sung: "I came upon a road killed deer"...

UPDATE: I was not able to get the video to upload here, but I did get it on my Facebook page. Try this link: to see it, hopefully, that will work.
Anyway, thanks again Jody and Lisa for inviting us to your lovely tables!


Sassyfrazz said...

That was a great evening! Great photos! It was so fun to be with you gals! Yes, thanks to Lisa and Jody for a super time! :)

Joyful Noise said...

I am glad that you could join us and that you had a great time...

BTW - the duct tape was my idea...they wouldn't have made it into the bow...I didn't have any ribbon to make it purty so I thought to myself, "what would Dan use?" Duct tape was the ONLY answer!

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