Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Grandpa's Little Helper is a Bit "Under the Weather"

My husband, Ray seems to be enjoying having our 4yo grandson here with us almost as much as I am. For one thing, Ray's not the only male in the house. They can do "guy things" like shoveling snow together, for example. Saturday morning, we woke up to 2 or 3 inches of beautiful white snow on the ground, so CJ went out to help Grandpa and try out his new snow shovel. I'm not sure he really "gets" the concept though. While Ray was shoveling the snow OFF of the driveway, CJ was throwing more snow on it! Oh well, he was having fun:

By the time I decided to take this first pic, they were already way down at the end of the driveway. These were taken through the window, and I had to zoom in quite a bit, which may explain the picture quality.

Here's CJ dumping his shovelful back on the driveway.

Making their way back toward the house.

Helping Grandpa shovel out Mama's car.

Posing for Grandma, after a job well done.

I don't think it had anything to do with being outside with Grandpa, but later that night CJ started coughing a little bit. Sunday night, he was coughing a little more...and last night was running a low-grade fever. Thankfully, our household had escaped all the sick bugs that have been floating around this Winter, for quite some time. In fact, no one has been sick so far in 2009. Please pray that this doesn't develop into anything serious. Jessica and CJ are without any health insurance at the moment, ever since she got out of the USAF. She is currently in the process of joining the AF Reserves, so they will have insurance again soon...but right now they don't...so hopefully he will not need to see a doctor.


Joyful Noise said...

What great pics...what fun he must have had being so big and helping Grandpa. These are the memories he will always keep!

Qtpies7 said...

That looks like some fun memories for CJ and Ray both! Ray's may not be as fond, what with the extra snow to shovel and all, lol.

Sassyfrazz said...

That looks like fun! Well, for Christian, anyway! I will pray that he doesn't get sick(er). Whooping cough is going around Nathaniel's school. Hope he feels better soon~ and that the insurance works out for them!

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